Everyone had a crush on the beauty from «The Dukes of Hazzard», but time has already taken its toll on her!
She once drove men crazy with her legs! Years have passed and she is now unrecognizable!
Catherine Bach has turned 68 whose recent photos you can find in this article!
It was in 1979 that «The Dukes of Hazzard» hit our screens. Everyone without an exception had a crush on the character played by timelessly beautiful actress Catherine Bach. Years have passed and the beauty icon has already turned 68.
To everyone’s great surprise, Catherine could not only boast of a pretty face, but she also came as truly an iconic figure with her integrity and creativity. It was in Warren, Ohio, in 1954 that Bach’s incredible journey began. She started to pursue acting from early ages and chase her cherished dreams.
She earned massive popularity and overall success with her role as Daisy on «The Dukes of Hazzard». Her remarkable role shaped her as one of the most influential and successful figures in the entertainment industry who had no equals. Her appearance was called «a million dollars» and her legs drove all men crazy.
It was in 2010 that she was hit by the tragic passing of her husband, Peter Lopez. Despite challenges and difficulties, she stayed true to her faith and has never given up on her hope. She might have aged, yet her allure and attractiveness stay the same.